Banyak yang mengira kalau Aelke itu orang jepang, tapi kenyataannya Aelke sendiri adalah orang Indonesia. Iklan Pocary Sweat merupakan kemunculan ke-duanya di Televisi (sebelumnya Elke maen iklan Advan, videonya ada di bawah) dan iklan pocari tsb menjadi salah satu iklan paling populer saat ini di Indonesia.
Aelke Mariska , wanita kelahiran 17 November 1988 , dengan tinggi 168 cm dan berat 50 kg ini keturunan Chinese yang tinggal di Indonesia & kuliah di DKV Trisakti Jakarta , dan bekerja sbg Graph-Designer and Japanese lecturer asistant .

Artist name : Aelke Mariska
Birthdate : 17 November 1988
Height : 168 cm
Weight: approx. 5o kg

Employers :
    - PT Mitra Adiperkasa ,Tbk
        Junior Graphic Designer
        Corporate Communication
        Annual Reports 2010
        Corporate Video 2010

    - Henlie Photography
        Graphic designer
        Wedding Photobook
        Baby Photobook
        Graduation Photobook of Tarumanegara University

    - PT. Rekta MediART
        Graphic designer

College : Trisakti University Class of 2007 -Visual Communication Design Major (DKV Trisakti, Jakarta) & Japanese lecturer assistant

High School : IPEKA Tomang Christian School Class of 2004

Religious Views : Agnostic
(Agnostisisme adalah pandangan bahwa nilai kebenaran klaim tertentu-terutama klaim tentang keberadaan atau non-keberadaan dewa, tapi juga mengklaim agama dan metafisik lainnya-tidak diketahui atau tidak dapat diketahui. Agnostisisme dapat didefinisikan dalam berbagai cara, dan kadang-kadang digunakan untuk menunjukkan keraguan atau pendekatan skeptis terhadap pertanyaan. Dalam beberapa indera, agnostisisme adalah sebuah sikap tentang kesamaan atau perbedaan antara keyakinan dan pengetahuan, daripada tentang setiap klaim tertentu atau kepercayaan.)

Minat Pribadi: Design, Photography, World History, Crafts, Myth, Journal.

Relationship Status : In a relationship

Interests : Design, Photography, World History, Crafts, Myth, Journal

Listening to : Ruri no Ame by Alice Nine

Reading : "Blue Print in Design"

Watching : unlearning (HBO)

Drinking : Red Carrot Juice | Tipco

Favourite movie : The Trojan War, The Lord of Magic, Kingdom of Heaven, Alexander, Red Cliff

Favourite band or musician : Camui Gackt, Enigma, Era, Alice Nine, Kaggra, Naitomea.

Favourite genre of music : New Age, Japanese Rock

Favourite artist : Aya Kato, Yoshitaka Amano

Favourite poet or writer : Khalil Gibran, Paulo Coelho

Favourite photographer : William Neill, Zemotion,

Favourite game : Sacred, The Lord of Magic, Heroes III, Diablo

Favourite gaming platform : PC Strategy

Favourite cartoon character : Jowy (Suikoden), Kuran Kaname (Vampire Knight)

Favorite Quotations :
    You got a dream.. You gotta protect it!
    "If your creativity is not your passion,
    there won’t be passion in your creativity.
    Be passionate… and never sell yourself cheap"

People Who Inspire Aelke : Gackt Camui

About Aelke :
    Im a dreamer..
    I'm a dreamer and gotta be achiever, when u are trying to reach out the dream in your hand,
    It's a lot of fun, but it's also a lot of hardwork.
    but the most important thing is, it makes story of my life
    初めまして, Aelkeです。
    Im not a genius nor brilliance..
    i have to study and work harder than everyone to make an effort. I really understand the meaning of 'Life is challange' which everyone have to meet it.
    My life span is just about studying and running head of deadline. Im taking Design Major at Trisakti University and working in design field. its quite pleasing for me.. coz i love design, a lot.
    The more I waste my time in front of my computer, the more irresistible it becomes.
    Annoying thing
    In this nowdays world of lie, hype, complex, false doctrine and weird practices,
    Im searchin' for sincerity
    1. LOVE
    Im quite irritated of a living thing called "GUY"
    most of them, are easy to say "I love u",
    even they are absolutely have no idea about Love..
    i really appreciate "sincerity"
    at the heart, sincerity is honesty in all your ways..
    I have juz a few of pal, i could call 'friend' who are trusted
    I think, If we can keep simple and sincere, we can have a positive longterm effect on thousands.
    no need selfishness.. or a fake called LOVE.
    2. LYING
    I hate someone, who are fooling around with bullshit and Gossip!
    don't u have other things to do?
    my brother said "low people talk about people, middle people talk about event, High people talk about Idea", and im 100% agree with him..
    If you are someone who talks behind people’s backs, even those who like you will come to mistrust you.
    I despise someone who talking in haughty tone of himself.. coz its really really.. disgusting..

Dont know what to say. Dont know where to begin.
Everythings spiralling out of control.
My freaking sensitive melancholy side.. has came up and make a mess of my days..
Im just fustrated at why its soo hard. Really everything is just soo damn hard.
maybe i need to lower down my expectation of my progress in life.
I have made plenty of mistakes in my short life.
Many of which I wished I had more sense before doing it
Vision and dream, i wish I could through the journey with it
This is always a positive way to take every step of my progress..
I still have nothing to be proud of, and nothing to accomplish my satisfaction.

fb fanpage 1
fb fanpage 2

Iklan Advan (Sebelum ia membintangi Iklan Pocari Sweat) :

tempat lokasi syuting iklan tsb :
Cape Town (bahasa Afrikaans & bahasa Belanda: Kaapstad) merupakan ibu kota legislatif Afrika Selatan dan ibu kota Provinsi Tanjung Harapan. Ibu kota lainnya adalah Pretoria (eksekutif) dan Bloemfontein (kehakiman).
Kota ini adalah pelabuhan besar di pinggir Samudra Atlantik. Dia mempunyai hubungan kereta api yang baik dengan daerah pedalaman. Letaknya di kaki Gunung Meja. Di kota ini terdapat Gedung Parlemen (1886) dan Universitas Cape Town (1916).
Cape Town didirikan orang Belanda dengan nama Kaapstad pada tahun 1652 dan direbut Britania Raya pada tahun 1806.
Cape Town digunakan oleh penjajah inggris menjadi suatu pelabuhan untuk penjajah inggris yang telah pulang dari India.

Iklan Pocari Sweat 1:

Iklan Pocari Sweat 2:
-(akhir juni 2011)

Jingle Iklan Pocari Sweat
Penyanyi jingle namanya Ryutaro Makino & composernya Gomi-san. ini hanya sebuah jingle yg khusus dibwt u/ Pocari CM, jadi kmungkinan tdk ada single full song ny. Bagi yg mau dengerin jingle-nya ada dibawah ini:
Link Unduh Jingle Iklan Pocari Sweat

Hateshinai ao no mukou e
Bokutachiro mirai wa hiro garu,
Beautiful day
Kimi to boku ga koko ni iru
Hashi tabun dake michi wa no miru kara
Day by day
Ima wo iki yo..
Sumber utama tulisan ini
Official Pocari Sweat
Otsuka Company


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